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Friday, March 25, 2011

Something in Common

I had a client the other evening that  I  felt akin to.
Why?? she had the same experiences as me.
We both have naturally curly hair. As a hairdresser I found myself a victim
to what is "in" and not what was right for my hair.

As a teenager I spent most of my time is the swimming pool so keeping
my hair short was out of convenience not what was in. The shorter the better because I needed it that way.
The chlorine makes your hair look like "Barbie Doll Hair". This description will remind girls mostly that the hair feel UN-natural, coated and weirdly shinny. Most hairdresser will mention too, that this type of hair is hard to cut because the wet hair seems to bend around the scissors instead of being cut.

In my late 30's I let people talk me into getting my hair straightened. This in turn cause me to become
weirdly freaked out about my hair. I was always fussing with it and found that is it was raining my hair would look more pubic hair than anything else. Sorry to be so frank but that is what it would look like.
In short I hated it.

I have never fussed with my hair, it is what it is, Wild, crazy, Medusa like, or what I like to refer it is somewhat like Bo-Bo the clown. Its out of control, its unlike most people around me BUT its my hair.
When its straightened, it hurts at the roots and I freak out when I look in the mirror because its not me.

As I cut this client's hair we chatted about our feelings about our hair.
Yes, its wild.
Yes, its out of control and big
Its our hair.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how none of us seems totally happy with the hair we're blessed with at birth. I have had ramrod-straight hair all of my life, and when I see your pics with your naturally curly locks, I can only just sigh and wish mine were anything like yours! Human nature eh? ; )
