So the other day I came across a photo that I have of myself from 6 years ago. I was horrified. I am a hairdresser. I pride myself in my work and I try to look good most times (even though I am sitting here in my fuzzy slippers and my PJ's writing this.) I had to do a double take because the picture of me was really bad. Earlier on that year I was growing out my hair and I made a decision that would change my hair for the next 2 years. I let a person who will remain nameless talk me into straightening my natural curly hair. A person who has straight and super fine hair I might add. It was going to change my life- make it easier to work with and easier to do.
The day came that I was to get it done and there was a buzz in the salon. The crazy ,curly haired stylist was going to have a metamorphosis right before our very eyes. I was excited too, and deep down I hoped that it would work but somewhere a tickle of doubt was there. First was the blowing out then the straightening. Then the product was added. Combing, combing,combing and as this was going on my hair was snagging on the comb and I inwardly started cringing.When it was all said and done I had shiny hair that was straight, but I knew that it would start to grow then what???
There are so many products on the market right now that have been straightening hair for years. The scary thing is that there is a common thread to all these products which is formaldehyde. The product has been linked to cancer. There was a great article written about it all. Read it and see what you think
Here is the link:
An interesting BUT scary read. In the age of Cancer touching all of our lives in one way or another- why are so many woman clamouring to salon to get these products on their scalp and hair??
So back to my story: The point of this story is, my hair looked great for about 3 weeks until
the roots started showing. Then I had curly roots and fuzzy ends. My hair never really was straight. If someone spit close to me my hair would start to frizz. If the humidity was up the day it would reach higher into the air and if it started raining I would freak out. I had become one of those high maintenance women that I swore I would never become. I was constantly curling my hair with a curling iron and flat irioning the roots. It was horrible. I hated it.
This was the start of cutting and starting over
. Growing out my hair and having my curls back.
Do I wish sometimes that my hair could flow in the wind?
Hell yeah but My hair is me.
Its my signature.
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