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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beauty is the in the Eye of the Beholder

Beauty is the in the Eye of the Beholder
I woke up this morning thinking about this.
Where does it come from, and what does it really mean?
I have an app on my iPhone (which I LOVE.The iPhone) to look up
quotes. I found this one
"If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness."
-By UnKnown
Ahh, that is so true.

Friday evening I had a friend over and I was colouring her hair.
She has a daughter who is in Grade 2 (age 7-8) and for the two
hours that they were in the Salon she was doing anything and
everything to get in front of the mirror. The same thing happened
to me while doing another friend's hair with her daughter was around.
At times the salon chair moved, or there was a demand for a brush or
a comb. I giggled to myself as I watched them.

I have spent 20 years in front of a mirror. It is my BEST FRIEND
at work. This best friend will tell me if I am holding the comb at the proper angle
or if the sides of the haircut is where I want them to fall, but not at home.
In the privacy of my bathroom, I look and see every flaw, scar, or imperfections.
I gaze into the mirror and thoughts of shame, guilt or disgust start to flow. WHY?? I tell you why.
I don't have a body of a 20 year old, I have a body that has carried 2 babies. One scar because
of an emergency C-section. Scars for moles removed, scars on my face from chicken pox when I was 6.
Maybe you have had a breast removed, or a nose that you aren't happy with. Maybe we see those
signs of aging that really freaks us out (it freaks me out).

Should I mention the curly red hair that God gave me??? It looks like a disaster most of the
time. Why, because I am a white girl with kinky, curly thick hair who is trying to have smooth
straight hair. Even as a hairdresser I refuse to spend 60 minutes try to force my hair to be straight.
Lately I have embraced the wildness of my hair and with the help of great moisturizing products
I leave my bathroom happy. (as Happy as any naturally curly haired person can be.)

As adults we have lost the love for ourselves. Lets love the good things about our looks.
Great skin, a long neck, or that perfect length of hair. Let remove our eyes from
the places that bring those negative thought to a place where we look and say,
"Wow, I look good today"

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