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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Ramblings for Spring

February is a  hard month for most Canadians. We are teased with warm weather
and thawing. We throw off our heavy and combersome jackets and ski pants. The
heavy boots are tosses into a corner. We run down stairs and ponder the where abouts
of our rubber boots and spring clothing. I know you are thinking....I don't do that, just my kids.
Wrong. Ok maybe its just me. I do it. You hear the running water in the eavestroughs, and it
does something to you. Now, with a change of heart we are willing to speand all sorts of time outside.

"No, I will walk the dogs." or " I will shovel the whole walk and the driveway."
My point to this rambleing is this, Who's kidding who. Winter is going to be around
for several months weither (or weather) we like it or not. Instead of acting like idiots chopping away
at the ice under a big puddle ( ok I am talking about me again), why not spend some time
 in our clothing closet.

Grab your favorite fashion mag (mine is InStyle. The picture bible of fashion) and see what is there
that you can use for Spring. What pieces are missing? What is needed to pull a new look together.

Another thing,

 Is there stuff that you have just not used, worn or just does not fit? Get rid of it. Some happy person
will buy it in a thrift store and wear it with pride.
So, the next time you hear water dripping outside and you check the calender and see that it is
STILL FEBRUARY, run up stairs to your room and have fun sorting you closet. You never know
what you will find in there.

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